Region | Processing Time | Shipping Time | Time to Receive Your Order |
Southern California (red region) | Same Day | 1 | 1-2 |
West Coast (blue region) | Same Day | 2 | 2-3 |
Midwest (orange region) | Same Day | 3 | 3-4 |
Mideast (green region) | Same Day | 3-4 | 4 |
East Coast (green region) | Same Day | 4 | 4-5 |
Northeast (pink region) | Same Day | 5 | 5-6 |
Time in Business Days: Monday-Friday, excludes all national holidays
The above figures are our best estimates based on the shipping time provided by FedEx Ground shipping from zip 90601. Trucking carrier shipping time usually takes at least 1-2 business days longer. Weather conditions and other unpredictable factors may delay the delivery time. Please call 888-980-9698 if you'd like to upgrade the shipping method for urgent orders.
We welcome local pickups in our Southern California warehouse so you can save on the shipping cost.
Please note: The map above is a general representation of transit times for FedEx Ground shipments to commercial destinations. In limited areas, transit times may differ between shipments to commercial and residential destinations. For specific transit time information from one ZIP/Postal code to another, please go to Get Rates & Transit Times under the Ship tab on FedEx Ground business days are Monday through Friday (excluding holidays). FedEx Home Delivery business days are Tuesday through Saturday (excluding holidays). Example: A package shipped via FedEx Ground on Monday with a transit schedule of 2 business days, (not including the day the package is shipped) would be expected for delivery on Wednesday. A package shipped on Friday with a 2-day transit schedule would be expected for delivery the following Tuesday.
Enter your shipping zip code in your Shopping Cart to calculate additional fees/shipping restrictions.
Please note: Deliveries are not typically made on Saturdays or Sundays.